Hazelbrook Public School

Respectful, responsible learners

Telephone02 4758 6120


Bell times

Our school hours are 9.00 am - 3.00 pm

School bell times are as follows:

8.30 am          Staff member on supervise duty

9.00 am          Students assembly on quad in class lines

11.00 am        Recess eating time  

11.10 am        Recess play time

11.30 am        End of recess - return to class lines

1.20 pm          Lunch eating time

1.30 pm          Lunch play time

2.00 pm          End of lunch - return to class lines

3.00 pm          End of day


School office hours - 8.30 am - 3.30 pm. Calls will not be answered outside of these times.   


Before and after school supervision 

Parents are advised that children are not supervised before 8.30 am each morning. Children who arrive before then must be seated on quad until supervision commences.

Kiss and Drop will be supervised until 3.15 pm. Students who have not been collected will be escorted to the office and a parent/carer will be called ro arrange collection.

Children are not supervised after 3.30 pm except those children who travel by bus.      

There are expectations for organised, planned and approved before or ofter school activities such as sports training, dance or other co-curricula activitites.


Before and after school care

The Mid Mountains Out of School Hours Service is located on the grounds of Hazelbrook Public School.

For information and booking contact MMOOSH via email or call on 4758 8751